Great British Puds


The Christmas diet starts on Monday. This is so I can lose a couple of pounds a week (she says hopefully) between now and the day when I consume my own body weight in Quality Street, dinner with all the trimmings, mince pies and countless other rich and very bad for me foods. Oh how lush! The Christmas diet was actually supposed to start this week but I went for a curry with all the extras.

So in anticipation of the deprivation ahead, I know that is not the right attitude but its misty and a little damp and the sun seems to have gone away so am feeling wintry, where was I? Yes in anticipation of the deprivation ahead I have been looking at all things scrummy and stodgy and so not diet food on Pinterest. Where I found this. Jam Roly Poly.

I was never a fan so much at school it was rather stodgy and the custard watery but I later discovered you can make this without suet and its much lighter but infinitely comforting with a nice thick custard.

Here is the BBC Good Food version without suet but if you want the old fashioned kind The Great British Pudding website has it and every other luscious pud you can dream of. Happy stuffing your face am going for one last hurrah over the weekend before I’m on rations!

Images are not mine, unless specified, where available, links to originals and suppliers are provided, if any image belongs to you and is not credited please let me know so I can either provide a link or remove it.

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