Rain, rain go away!
Morning has broken on the day of the opening ceremony of the Fires de Sant Narcis. In typical British fashion I am going to talk about the weather! It was definitely a red sky in the morning shepherds warning kind of day as you can see, very pretty but a harbinger of things to come. The evening itself, all parades of gegants (giants), drummers, jazz band and sardana band, the Diablos d’Onyar (the devils) the Witch of the Cathedral sweeping before a horse that peed water on everyone, the canon fire of paper moscas (flies – the emblem of Girona – a story for another day) and the finale of fireworks, went without a hitch. The tapas with friends in Zanpanzar perfect. Overnight the rain and a dismal first day (with forecast unsettled for the whole ten days). It’s going to be pot luck which bits we see or don’t.
We are not alone, us Brits, in the whole weather as a topic though the Catalans too are either fanning themselves and complaining of the heat, shivering beneath heaped scarves against the cold, or just staying in when it rains. They wouldn’t cope up North. That’s when it hit me I have become acclimatised, I wouldn’t dream of venturing out in the rain unless I really had to have I become nesh in my old age?
It worked out well for me as I have spent the day making another cosy, this one a labour of love and vintage buttons.
I often wonder about the buttons I have collected over time, the fabric ones here came in a whole batch in three French tins. I imagine they have adorned some Parisian ladies suit or coat they are very detailed, then the pearl flats what did they come off? The black daisies are a modern addition that I picked up in our local haberdshers.
Against the heavy cotton sateen fabric with its machine embroidered pattern they stand out proudly on their hand embroidered stems with little eyelet leaves.
The colours go well with the vintage porcelain Chinese teapot. A good days work I say regardless of the rain outside and another for the collection on my Christmas stall at La Sala, Corca on 17 November hope to see you there maybe we can chat about the weather!