The Pop-Up is back!
Here we are the end of summer and the Pop-Up Artisans are back. Our focus through these lovely months of autumn is to get hygge with it! If you've not come across this expression before it simply means in Danish "to give courage, comfort and joy" and is synonymous with warmth, cosyness, hugs and love.
Hello September!
After a whole month off I had an action packed August and am more than ready for a chilled and mellow September!
Rain stopped play
This week has been a real mixed bag of weather, one minute boiling hot, aircon going ten to the dozen, the next thunder and lightening and torrential rain. Hello August!
Table tops
In between the ridiculously hot scorching weather making it virtually impossible to do anything outside after 10am and my handyman Mick being otherwise engaged literally only started putting the table renovations together today.
Deck Renovations Part 2
We have two outside seating areas one on the lower deck and one off the lounge terrace, both have comfy sofas and chairs and both need a revamp and some TLC, come have a peek at what I'm planning....
Renovating my outdoor table
After successfully renovating the outdoor table at my chalet am itching to get started on my large ten seater on the downstairs deck.
Coastal Tones
I'm very influenced by coastal colours at the moment and love this little moodboard I put together with Pantone colours of Hemlock and Sand.....
Summer is here!
After a rather wet start to the season am at last able to spend some quality time at the chalet. Naturally there are always jobs to do, it's like a never ending huge craft project but I try not to fixate too much on perfection this sort of vintage chalet needs to be its own self, crooked corners, shabby paint finishes, weathered boards all adds to its charm. Come see how the place has grown into its new self....
The Pop-Up Artisan Market – May
It’s been awhile since I blogged so much going on here! If you follow me you will know that I’ve been setting up an on-line Artisan community over the last six months or so – The Pop-Up Artisan Market. With the whole world in lockdown and no way to meet up with like minded folk in the real world I wanted to create a virtual marketplace for us to meet, chat, share our ideas and sell to the lovely people that used to come along to craft fairs, farmers markets and the like. It’s been full on really. We are a small but merry band of creative people and businesses…
Are we there yet?
I have been busying myself with lots of new crafty projects. One of which is my latest a slowstitch crochet pattern which I've just uploaded to the shop! Plus lots of other textile ideas....