New Year New Me?
Well that was a rather extended break, sorry but kind of not sorry. I really needed to make some changes in my life. Started off by getting back to my roots and spending time touring the UK staying with my family and doing that whole reconnecting thing which was good for my well being. I also got my hair chopped off which is often the way when you come to the end of something.
Not been so well this last eighteen months which has led to some big lifestyle changes, gave up the evil weed tobacco and alcohol, not that I was a big drinker, just had to stop both for medical reasons. Am very pleased with the former decision, I literally stopped, cold turkey and haven’t had a one in eighteen months. Giving up social drinking has been much harder and with the medication I am taking I have piled on the pounds.
Which is why I have thrown myself heart and soul into a new healthy lifestyle and am pleased to say I have now lost just over 10lbs. For anyone who is also trying to lose weight I have set up a new Instagram so I can track my progress and am following lots of other slimmers who post some great recipes giving me plenty of variety.
Plus words mean a lot to me, hence the occasional inspirational quote. Feel free to follow or DM me on my Stepping Stones at Sixty – 63 and battling the bulge insta account.