Jewelry Design

Back in the day when I was working full time I decided to do an evening course in Silversmithing and Jewelry Design at Leeds College of Art and Design. It was a revelation. I have always had a creative side but needs must and for me creative wasn’t going to pay the bills but I got to that point in my life where I hankered for something as an outlet for my creativity. Loved it, met some fabulous people, not least my tutor, Nora, who I still years later keep in touch with. Found inspiration and picked up a massive amount of skills and equipment!

Fast forward to now and I spend less time on the silversmithing, it is too expensive to compete against the cast jewelry on sale but I have used my skills to create bridal accessories and heirloom bouquets which you can see here. I also make jewelry using wire work, glass, beads and found materials. Here are some of my more recent designs.

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